Health benefits of beetroot

The beetroot contains a lot of nutrients (phytonutrients) they are rich in vitamins A and C, fiber, iron, magnesium, potassium, folic acid, betacyanine. Red beets provide an active immune system. It has been used throughout the ages against anemia and kidney disorders, among other things. It has a purifying effect on the blood.

The health benefits of beetroot

Health benefits of beetroot

Health benefits of red beetroot

The health benefits of red beetroot are huge. It contains plenty of nutrients (phytonutrients) they are rich in vitamins A and C, fiber, iron, magnesium, potassium, folic acid, betacyanine. Red beets provide an active immune system and a protector against cancer. It has been used throughout the ages against anemia and kidney disorders, among other things. It has a purifying effect on the blood. The deep red color betacyanide, along with other powerful antioxidants, stimulate the liver, inhibit inflammation and protect against skin, lung, breast, prostate, stomach and colon cancer.

The beetroot also lowers cholesterol levels. Scientific research shows that high blood pressure can be lowered by drinking beet juice and beet juice is also a benefit for our heart and blood vessels. This also applies to our eyes thanks to lutein and zeaxanthin. In addition to fighting cancer, boosting our immune system and lowering our blood pressure, it also fights dementia.


Magnesium, potassium, fiber, phosphorus and iron: you can find it all in beetroot. In addition, the tubers are a rich source of vitamins A, B and C, beta-carotene and folic acid.

The beetroot

The beetroot, in Latin beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris var. ruba, owes its color to the betalains that can be found in this tuber. Beetroot contains two types of betalains, betacyanine and betaxanthin. Betacyanine is a purple-red dye and betaxanthin is a yellowish dye.

All betalains come from the same molecule. The addition of amino acids to these molecules provides the specific color that they will eventually produce. The betalain pigments in the beet are water soluble and are quite unique due to their nitrogen content. Betalains have an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory molecule. At the same time, these molecules are very sensitive to oxidation.

Healthy betalains in beet

Various scientific studies have shown that betaline has a detoxifying effect. Betaline ensures that the glutathiones neutralize and excrete toxic substances in our body.

It is interesting to know that everyone reacts differently to betalains and not everyone absorbs them equally easily. In America, only ten to fifteen percent of adults respond to betalains. In other words, only a limited number of people have the capacity to absorb and convert betalains so that all the antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds are extracted from the beet.

Most people therefore do not absorb betalains and excrete them in the urine.

Anti-inflammatory and health benefits

The combination of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances gives beetroot its huge health benefits. Laboratory research shows that beets can have a positive effect on the prevention and control of colon, stomach, lung, breast, prostate and testicular cancer.

The fiber in the beet is also a nutrient of great interest to scientists. These unique fibers are said to have a positive effect on our digestive system (including the prevention of colon cancer) and our cardiovascular system.

All betalains come from the same molecule. The addition of amino acids to these molecules provides the specific color that they will eventually produce. The betalain pigments in the beet are water soluble and are quite unique due to their nitrogen content. Betalains have an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory molecule. At the same time, these molecules are very sensitive to oxidation.

Various scientific studies have shown that betaline has a detoxifying effect. Betaline ensures that the glutathiones neutralize and excrete toxic substances in our body.


Beetroot detoxifies and thanks to this property can get rid of paleness, fatigue and anemia. In addition, beets purify the blood and liver.

An healthy unusual mix

The unique thing about beetroot is not only that it is rich in antioxidants, but also contains an unusual mix of antioxidants. Besides the fact that the beet owes its color to betalain (most red fruits and vegetables get their color from anthocyanin), the beet also contains manganese and vitamin C.

Many phytonutrients found in beetroot have anti-inflammatory properties, which results in great health benefits. Research has shown that it concerns at least the substances betanin, isobetanine and vulgaxanthin. Betanin is an important substance in our body that is made from choline, a vitamin B. Choline regulates inflammation in the cardiovascular system.


Red beets contain phytochemicals. These are components in plant foods that have a beneficial effect on our body function. For example, beets can protect the body against harmful free radicals and therefore also against cancer.

Origin of beetroot

The beetroot was discovered in the 16th century in the Netherlands as a tasty and nutritious vegetable. It is related to the sugar and fodder beets and also owes its fantastic sweet taste to it. Red beets are available all year round from Dutch soil. The original season is from July to October. Then you can buy them fresh under the name summer beet. The beets are then somewhat smaller and have bright green foliage. You buy them at the market or at the greengrocer in beautiful bunches. In winter you can enjoy the winter beet, it has no foliage and is larger than the summer beet.

Dr. Moerman’s anti-cancer diet, thanks to the health benefits of beetroot

Beetroot is indispensable in the Moerman diet. Beetroot juice is a super healthy product that Cornelis Moerman prescribed for all his patients. Today we call these products superfoods, thanks to its health benefits.

Combined with carrot and pear in a freshly squeezed juice, it gives a real Moerman drink due to its detoxifying and anti-cancer effect. Moerman recommends as the basis of his therapy a lactovegetable diet and, in addition, the ‘8 essential substances’: vitamins A, B, C and E, iodine, sulfur, iron and citric acid. At a later stage he also recommends supplementary vitamin D and selenium [1].

Proponents claim that Moerman’s diet was approved by the Dutch Ministry of Health in 1987 based on government-supported research. However, in 1988, the Swiss Cancer League’s Study Group on Unproven Methods of Oncology investigated this claim and reported: “At the beginning of the 1980s the Dutch government supported a prospective trial to investigate the effectiveness of the Moerman therapy. After the study had begun, the Moerman doctors dropped out one after the other, and the study had to be terminated without any results being obtained.” [2] The Study Group also concluded:

  • The results of Moerman’s pigeon experiments, as far ir could tell, have never been published.
  • Moerman’s postulated “symbionts” were never scientifically demonstareted to exist.
  • Moerman himself provided rudimentary (anecdotal) reports [2].


  2. Study Group on Unproven Methods of Oncology. Cancer cure by the Dr. Moerman diet and therapy. Swiss Cancer League File No. 24E, 1988.
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